语录网短语说说 英语词块:短语与句型一览无余之九



1. do away with 废除,除去,撤消。如:

The company did away with private offices. 公司取消了私人办公室。

2. do doing sth 做某事。如:

Do he do (the, any) cooking? 他做饭吗?

I did much washing yesterday. 我昨天洗了很多衣服。

3. do up

(1) 扣,结,系。如:

This skirt does up at the back. 这条裙子从后面系扣。

(2) 包,扎,捆。如:

He told me to do up the package. 他叫我把包裹捆好。

(3) 梳妆,打扮。如:

Mary did herself up for the party. 玛丽为参加聚会而打份。

(4) 整理,装修,粉刷。如:

The house needs doing up. 这房子需要重新装修粉刷一下。

4. do with

(1) 处置(与 what 连用)。如:

What shall I do with it? 怎样处置它好呢?

(2) 放置(与 what 连用)。如:

What have you done with my umbrella? 你把我的雨伞放到哪里去了?

(3) 利用(与 what 连用)。如:

I don’t know what to do with this strange object. 我不知道这怪东西有什么用。

(4) 想要,需要(常与 can, could 连用)。如:

I could do with a drink. 我想喝点什么。

You look as if you could do with a good night’s sleep. 看来你要好好睡上一夜。

(5) 忍受(用于否定句,与 can, could 连用)。如:

I can’t do with loud music. 我受不了喧闹的音乐。

(6) 打发时间,安排时间(与 oneself 连用)。如:

Tell me what you did with yourselves on Sunday. 告诉我你们星期天是怎样过的。

(7) 将就,凑合(与 can, could 连用)。如:

Can you do with cold meat for dinner? 晚餐吃冷肉你能将就吗?

(8) 与……有关。如:

It’s nothing to do with me. 这与我无关。

My job has to do with the government. 我的工作与政府有关。


My job has something (nothing) to do with the government.


5. do without 没有(不用)……也行。如:

We can’t do without a telephone in our business. 我们做生意没有电话是不行的。

I don’t have enough money to buy a car, so I’ll just have to do without (one). 我没有那么多钱买汽车,只好作罢。


6. make (something) do with 将就着,凑合着。如:

We don’t have any milk, so we’ll have to make do with water. 我们没有牛奶,所以我们只好用水将就了。


1. go to teaching children. 他很善于教小孩。





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