语录网随笔 职场的英文励志短句,职场文化英语作文?


Evaluating how and when trust has been violated goes a long way to restoring it. Handling the issue in a professional, non-confrontational manner means hearing the other person’s story. Calmly listening to both sides often prevents a simple misunderstanding from becoming an intolerable situation.

People are more equal if there is a small power distance. In America, just a normal average low-level employee can approach a CEO and talk to him/her.




Americans place a great deal of emphasis on the self and personal identity。

下属对上司:1.Do not ask him/her private life, unless you have to;2. Usage of formal language---do not talk like you are talking with your friend; 3. Hold the door for him/her; 4.Act professionally; 5. Get things done before deadline.

上次对下属:1.Do not as him/her private life, unless you have to; 2.Even though you are the boss, but don't forget, be respectful to people who work for you;3.Do not step over the line---- keep your relationship within work;4.Show that you care about your employees, not only care about what they can do for you;5.Do not ever ask them to deal with your private problems, also, never ask them to work extra shifts without paying them.



i'll put you through right now.




1、It's great!


2、With All Due Respect.


3、Fine with Me.


4、Been There, Done That.


5、It's A No-Brainer.


6、But it needs to be bright!


7、It's a big day for Anna!


8、I'm a bit busy at the moment.


9、Let me explain why I was late.


10、I think I've broken something.


11、Please cut out all the cliches.


12、There Is A Silver of Truth in It.


13、I enjoy working with you very much.


14、I keep needing to ask people for help!


15、Let's have a 1-on-1 this afternoon, OK?




Re: reply 回复

FW: forward 转发

OT: overtime 加班

add.:address 地址

FB:facebook 脸书

FE:for example 例如

CC: carbon copy 抄送

AKA:also known as 别名

BR: best regards, 祝好

HB:hurry back 很快回来

KINDA:a little bit 有一点

KIT:keep in touch 保持联系

AFK:away from keyboard 离开

ATST:at the same time 同时

AFAIK:as far as I know 据我所知

FYR: for your reference 供参考

ASAP: as soon as possible 尽快

COB:close Of Business 下班时

EOD:end Of Day今天以内;下班前

EOM:end Of Message 表达消息结束

TYT:take Your Time 不急,慢慢来

WFH:working From Home 在家办公

OOO:Out Of Office 不在办公室

HAND:Have A Nice Day 一天过得愉快

FYI: for your information 供参考

AFAIK: as far as I know 据我所知

FMI:for more information 详细信息

FYA:for your amusement 开玩笑的啦

BTW: by the way 顺便问下,顺便提下

HTH:hope That Helps 希望可以帮到你

LET:leaving Early Today 今天提前走

PRB:please Reply By 请于……前回复

FAQ:Frequently Asked Question 常见问题

OTOH:on the other hand 另外,另一方面

ETA:estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间

AFAIC:as far as I'm concerned 就我个人而言,依我看

TBD, TBC: to be determined/decided/confirmed 待定

N/A: not applicable 表格中有时候不允许空值的话可以填这个


To sum up../In summary..


So the main points are...


Any other business?


I have to agree with you.


Unfortunately, I see it differently. / Up to a point, I agree with you, but I still think we should review the numbers.

不幸的是,我却不这么认为。 有一点,我是同意你的看法,但我仍然认为我们应该审查数字。

I would like to thank you all for attending the meeting.


Although we have made tremendous progress today, much still remainsto be done.



There is a major shift occuring in the workforce and women are at the center of it. Women's skill sets are more prevalent in the workforce now than in the past, especially as women hold more management positions. The following skills are women bring into the workplace:


1、 They're more intuitive to bringing in all points of view. This allows for more collaboration and win-win situations. In today's complex working environment, this way of doing business is essential. Women are more inclined to investigate both sides to see if both parties can actually have a desirable outcome. They're more willing to ask, 'What do you want out of this?'

1、 她们用敏锐的直觉提出所有观点。这会带来更多合作和双赢局面。在当今复杂的工作环境中,这种经商方式必不可少。女性更倾向于调查双方是否都获得理想结果。她们更愿意问:“你想从这次合作中得到什么?”

2、 They have different values than men do. They're much more empathetic to the diverse workforce needs. If an employee is conflicted between work and other aspects of her life, a woman in a senior position would more likely notice the needs of her employee.

2、 他们和男性有不同的价值观。他们更理解多样化的劳动力需求。如果一个员工在工作和生活其他方面有冲突,在高级职位上的女性更容易注意到员工的需求。

3、 Women are stronger with networking, sponsoring and supporting each other. Women help each other out more often than men do. However, one of the biggest mistakes women make is their lack of confidence. They underestimate their potential and, therefore, don't achieve as much as they could.

3、 女性在社交、资助和互相支持方面更胜一筹。比起男性,女性更经常帮助对方。然而,女性会犯的最大错误之一是缺乏信心。她们低估自己的潜力,因此没有达到想要的结果。

If you look at the unemployment numbers, education continues to be the key differentiator in people who are getting jobs and people who are not. If you run the numbers, it's inevitable that there will be more women than men in the future workplace.


In recent years, college studentsfind it increasingly difficult toget a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?

There are several reasons for this.To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not“good” enough. Another reason is thatthere is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.

Solution to the problem requiresefforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.
