语录网随笔 make a killing是什么意思啊?英语习语:make a killing:「赚大钱」的用法

make a killing是什么意思啊?英语习语:make a killing:「赚大钱」的用法

Idiom of the Day

make a killing


Today: Thu, 05 Nov 2020


make a lot of money from a sale or a deal of some sort.


For example:

My aunt made a killing when she bought some shares in a company as soon as they were issued, and sold them a few weeks later for three times what she paid.


Lots of people made a killing when property values went so high back in the nineties.


Her new business was a fantastic success; she made a killing in its first two months

她的新项目取得了巨大的成功。 她在头两个月赚了很多钱。

Quick Quiz

After Julie made a killing on the stock exchange, she

a. did her time in jail

b. recovered in a hospital

c. celebrated in a nightclub
