语录网短语说说 在书架上短语,从书架上取下属于什么短语?




短语中书下的意思是,放置书籍的架子。宋 梅尧臣 《次韵和景彝闰腊二十五日省宿》:“重腊雪花方漫漫,宿厅书架自层层。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“﹝ 迎春 ﹞走到书架前,抽出一本诗来。” 冰心 《超人》:“书架上却堆满了书。”

我的上衣myjacket 在你的课桌上onyourdesk 在书包里intheschoolbag 在椅子下面underthechair 一台电脑acomputer 你最喜欢的食物yourfavouritefood 你的鞋yourshoes

on shelf




lay on the shelf 搁置

right on the shelf 就在书架上

Book on the shelf 书放在书架上


sweep up(v.+adv.)

清扫 clean (a room), as with a brush

After all the guests had left,I swept up.客人都走后,我清扫了房间。

The poor women of the area were employed to sweep up after office hours.该地区的贫苦妇女们被雇来每天下班后打扫卫生。

clean sweep

1、完全消除,彻底肃清 completely clear away

I want to make a clean sweep of all the old books.我想清除所有的旧书。

He had to make a clean sweep of all his debts.他不得不偿清全部债务。

2、压倒优势的胜利 completely win

He won the election by a clean sweep.他在选举中大获全胜。

sweep before(v.+prep.)

接连取得成功 be continuously successful

Jim won every race that afternoon, sweeping all before him.那天下午吉姆屡战屡胜,在几次赛跑中均名列第一。

sweep aside(v.+adv.)

1、推到一边 push (sb/sth) to one side with a brush or one's hand

Sweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front.她把别人都推开,挤到了前边。

2、不予考虑 refuse to pay attention to (sth)

He was so full of his own schemes, that he swept aside reasonable doubts.他很有一套自己的办法,对别人合理的怀疑也不予理会。

sweep along(v.+adv.)

1、(使)轻快地前进 (cause to) move forward easily, as driven by the wind

With all the sails up, the little boat swept along in the pleasant wind.小舟张起全部风帆在和风中轻快地前进。

2、打动,感染 persuade (sb, usually a crowd) of the truth of one's speech

The speaker had the ability to sweep his listeners along with him.这个演说者有打动听众的能力
