语录网随笔 火上浇油的英语,日常英语口语|Add fuel to the fire火上浇油

火上浇油的英语,日常英语口语|Add fuel to the fire火上浇油

add fuel to the fire/flames 火上浇油,使情况更糟


fuel 燃料

fire 火

flame 火焰

He forgot their wedding anniversary, and his apologies only added fuel to the fire.他忘记了他们的结婚纪念日,而他的道歉只是在火上浇油。

fuel the fire/flames

fuel v.添加燃料

I don't wanna fuel the fire here, so I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.我不想在这火上浇油,所以我就闭嘴好了。

She is already furious and his excuses will only fuel the flames.她已经很生气了,他的借口只会火上浇油。
