一,生活不止眼前的苟且 还有前任的喜帖
Life is not only in front of you, but also the wedding invitation of your predecessor
Mix with me, after I have a bite to eat, you have a bowl brush.
I am often stupid to cry, and I am not willing to beat myself.
四,不擅长早期 却贼会晚睡
Not good at the early days, but thieves go to bed late
I am very good at other people's chess and calligraphy, and I am very good at frying and cooking
I have so many good things. The only thing missing is balances
七,今年我决定走走复古路线,穿去年的衣服,不是因为没钱 我只是怀旧
This year I decided to take the retro route and wear last year's clothes, not because I have no money, I am just nostalgic
The head hurts so much, someone must be squeezing my wisdom
At such a lovely age, I'm a sinner
If life betrayed me, then I hope it is selling
Isn't it good to find a fat girlfriend. For the same money, you picked the biggest one
An impulsive person like me deserves a good beating. Calm down
十三,今天竟然没人祝我生日快乐 大概因为今天不是我生日吧
No one wished me a happy birthday today, probably because it's not my birthday
十四,路过奶茶店看见一对情侣在接吻 真的好羡慕 我也想喝奶茶
Passing by the tea shop to see a couple kissing is really envious, I also want to drink milk tea
I understand the reason, but I just don't like to talk about it
There is no difficulty that can not defeat me
十七,有人问我朋友圈为什么仅三天可见,我说因为我不能保证每张自拍都P得一样。I was asked why Circle of Friends was only visible for three days, and I said because I can't guarantee that every selfie will be P the same.
十八,满脑子的智慧 硬生生的撑大了我的脸
The wisdom in my head stiffened my face
In a daze, if you do well, call it deep, if you don't do well, it's easy to fall asleep
Do you know what is touchable pain? It's just that I feel hungry and flat, and I still have a lump of meat
When I was born, God asked me if I wanted to have a good memory or to be beautiful. I've forgotten
二十二,你们喜欢我吗 喜欢的话就呼吸
Do you like me? Breathe if you like
二十三,管他网不网红 到了峡谷还得挨打
I don't care if it's red. I have to get beat up when I get to the Canyon
I haven't met anyone either? Playing mahjong in the New Year is always losing! Kewuyu!
二十五,我长得这么漂亮首先得感谢我爸妈 要不是他们给我一双巧手 我能把自己p的这么美吗
I look so beautiful, first of all, I have to thank my parents, if they did not give me a pair of clever hands, I can put their own p so beautiful
I am often stupid to cry, and I am not willing to beat myself.,知道什么是可以触摸的痛苦吗?就是我觉得肚子饿扁了一摸还是有一坨肉,