语录网诗词 河南加油!五个片段介绍英语叙述洪灾时常用的词语




Chen Shuying was sitting at home with her husband and their 3-year-old grandson on Tuesday when water began to surge through the door. Within minutes, it was well above her waist. “The water came so fast,” she said.


周二,洪水涌进家门时,陈淑英(音译)正和她的丈夫以及3岁的孙子坐在家里。几分钟后,水就远远超过了她的腰部。"水来得太快了," 她说。

surge: v. to increase suddenly and strongly; to move quickly and powerfully 汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来

e.g. An angry crowd surged through the gates of the president's palace. 愤怒的人群涌进了总统宫殿的大门。


They made it to the roof, where they waited for hours for the water to recede. Two days later, she still cannot return home, she said. They were lucky. Three neighbors — a grocery shopkeeper and two of the grocer’s customers — were swept away by the floodwaters and have not been seen since.



(1) recede v. to move further away into the distance, or to become less clear or less bright 后退,减弱

e.g. As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible. 随着船的加速,海岸线逐渐向远处退去,直到最后看不见为止。

(2) sweep v. to remove and/or take in a particular direction, especially in a fast and powerful way(迅猛地)推送,吹走;席卷,横扫

e.g. The boat was swept out to sea (= away from land) by the tide. 小船被潮水冲到海里去了。


The formidable destructive power of the floods that engulfed Henan Province in central China became clearer on Thursday, even as new areas were inundated. Still more rain is in the forecast, following days of torrential downpours, including the strongest on record in the area on Tuesday.



(1) engulf [ɪnˈɡʌlf] v. to surround and cover something or someone completely 吞没;吞食,狼吞虎咽

e.g. Northern areas of the country were engulfed by/in a snowstorm last night. 这个国家的北部地区昨晚被暴风雪吞没了。

(2) inundate [ˈɪnʌndeɪt] v. to flood an area with water 淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来

e.g. If the dam breaks it will inundate large parts of the town. 如果大坝决堤,将淹没城镇的大部分地区。

(3) torrential downpours [təˈrenʃl ˈdaʊnpɔː] 倾盆大雨 【复】

e.g. There is water everywhere — torrential downpours sweeping the streets and a mysterious flood in a main character's apartment. 到处都是水——湍流般的倾盆大雨横扫街道,一位主角的公寓里出现神秘的洪水。


Torrential rains have battered Henan province since last weekend, displacing thousands of people and causing huge economic damage, Henan authorities said Thursday.



batter v. If a place is battered by wind, rain, or storms, it is seriously damaged or affected by very bad weather.(风、雨或风暴等的)袭击,打坏

e.g. The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour. 这个国家一直受到时速50至70英里大风的袭击。


Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of 12 million people, is one of the worst-hit areas, with 12 killed after being trapped for hours on a flooded subway line. But many smaller cities and villages have also been badly ravaged.



ravage v. to cause great damage to something 毁坏;破坏

e.g. Hurricane Mitch ravaged the tiny Central American country. 飓风米奇摧毁了这个中美洲小国。
