语录网名言大全 学双语名言,纳中西文化精华,做人生强者(第9集)measure,absolute





1. Life is measured by thought and action, not by time.———Lubbock


measure 的基础核心词义: 量,测量;估量,衡量;计量,判斷 to judge the quality, effect, importance, or value

    Will the table fit in here? I don't know - let's measure it.这里放得下这张桌子吗?”“我不知道──我们来量一下吧。

    This machine measures your heart rate.这台机器可测你的心率。

    He measured the flour into the bowl.他称好面粉,倒入碗中。

    The area, measuring/which measures 5 kilometres by 3 kilometres, has been purchased by the army.这一长5公里、宽3公里的区域已被军方购买下来。

    There is no way of measuring the damage done to morale. 对士气造成的负面影响无法估量。


    1.measure 将…与…作比较

    She measured the shoe against the footprint, but it was smaller.她将鞋与脚印进行了比较,但前者偏小

    2.measure 量出,称出

    Measure out 250 grams of flour and sift it into a large mixing bowl.称出250克的面粉,并将其筛入一只可供搅拌的大碗中。

    3.measure up 符合,达到,够得上

    She could never measure up to her mother's expectations.她可能永远都无法满足她母亲的期望。measure sth/sb up ,

    4.measure 量出…的尺寸

    5.measure 方法,措施

    What further measures can we take to avoid terrorism?我们该采取哪些进一步的措施来防范恐怖主义?

    These measures were designed to improve car safety.这些措施旨在提高汽车的安全性

    [measure+ to infinitive] Emergency measures to help the refugees are badly needed.目前亟需采取一些紧急措施救助难民。

    Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

    6.measure 计量单位;测量方法

    The sample's density is a measure of its purity.样品的密度是其纯度的一个计量单位。

    7.measure [C or U] formal amount 数量,程度

    There was a large measure of agreement between the candidates.候选人之间有很大的共识。

    His success was in some measure due to his being in the right place at the right time.他的成功一定程度上要归因于天时地利。

    8.measure [C] an exact amount, especially of alcohol (尤指酒的)固定量,确定量

    One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer or a standard measure of spirits.一个单位的酒相当于半品脱的啤酒或一标准计量单位的烈酒。

    9.measure [C] US for bar (MUSIC) 小节;乐谱的小节线

    10.measure (估价、判断的)标准,尺度

    Record sales are not always a measure of a singer's popularity.唱片销售记录并不总是衡量一名歌手受欢迎程度的标准。

    We have no accurate measure of the damage.

    11.measure 了解: have the measure of sb/sth slightly formal to understand what someone or something is like and to know how to deal with them 了解

    I don't think she's under any illusions about her husband - she's got the measure of him. 我认为她对她丈夫并没抱什么幻想——她了解他。

    You can't judge a tree by its bark.人不可貌相。

    2. There is no absolute success in the world,only constant progress.———(Britain) Joanthan Swift


    To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既当演说家,又做实干家。

    absolute success 绝对的成功

    absolute ['æbsəluːt]

      adj. 绝对的,完全的;不受任何限制[约束]的;无条件的;有无上权力或权威的; n. 绝对;绝对事物

      absolute+certainty, necessity,+refusal, silence, confidence: 完全的,绝对的

      No-one knows with absolute certainty exactly where it is from. 没有人确切知道它究竟出自哪里。

      Trust is an absolute necessity for a good marriage relationship. 信任对建立良好的婚姻关系是完全必要的。

      Faced with COVID-19, a sick person needs absolute confidence in a doctor. 面对新冠肺炎,病人需要绝对信任医生。

      For a moment there was absolute silence.片刻之间鸦雀无声。

      an absolute beginner 绝对的初学者

      This book is not really suited to absolute beginners.这本书并不真的适合绝对的初学者。

        ( emphatic use,utter ) [ +nonsense, rubbish, mess ] 十足的;地道的

        I think it's absolute nonsense.我认为这是一派胡言。

        The house is an absolute mess.房间里一团糟。

        It's an absolute disgrace.这是奇耻大辱。

        About 5 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider.你需要考虑的绝对最小值约为5英寸宽。

        the absolute maximum绝对最大值

        We can invite 100 people at the absolute maximum.我们最多可以邀请100人。


          ( undoubted, definite ) [ +proof, truth, assurance, rule ] 绝对的;肯定的

          the absolute truth绝对真理

          John brought the absolute proof that we needed.约翰带来了我们需要的确凿证据。

          They were granted a decree absolute by the court. 他们得到了法庭立即生效的终审判决。

            ( independent ) 独立的;绝对的

            In absolute terms the overall numbers are still small. 从绝对意义上讲,总数还是很小。

            There is no doubt that, in absolute terms, it has been a failure. 毫无疑问,从绝对意义上讲,这是一次失败。

              absolute+power, monarchy, ruler,+authority :专制的;独裁的,专横的;绝对的

              He ruled with absolute power. 他用绝对权力进行统治。

                ( unqualified ) 不受限制的;无条件的

                an absolute choice 不受限制的选择

                  absolute +grammatical construction ] 独立结构的

                  There is no royal road to learning.求知无坦途。
