I set all the tenderness and loveliness to be visible only to you
Throw sadness and uneasiness to the top of the stars
手头紧 时间紧 眉头紧 衣服紧 难道这就是前程四紧
Hand tight, time tight, brow tight, clothes tight, is this the future four tight
别人玩游戏玩到奔现 我玩游戏玩到强制下线
Others play the game to run now, I play the game to force offline
只要我把脸吃的够圆 就没有人把我看扁
As long as I eat my face round enough, no one will look down on me
如果可以万众瞩自 何必掩藏光芒
If you can attract áttention, why hide the light