语录网短语说说 表达感情的短语,表达感情的常用习语 Useful Idioms

表达感情的短语,表达感情的常用习语 Useful Idioms

Hello and welcome again. So last week, I made a video about idioms and using idioms to express different feelings.



As I said, last week, I'd made this video about idioms and it's all about feeling and we looked at out being angry, upset, nervous, bored, happy, sad, lots of feelings. And I thought it would be a good idea to ask some of the students out there in YouTube land or Facebook land to make a short video of themselves using these idioms.

正如我说过,上周,我做了一个关于习语的视频,它是关于表达感受的,我们学习了如何表达生气,难过,紧张,无聊,快乐,悲伤,等很多感受。我觉得让一些在 YouTube 或 Facebook 上的学生用这些习语制作一个短片是个好主意。

Because the key thing about idioms, right, is not just to take one and use it in the test. You have to practice, you have to see it in context several times, start practicing it and then you build your confidence, and then you do better in the test.


So, I thought this would be a great opportunity. So, I've got several students who have sent me videos, and we're going to look at them now together and learn and practice.


Let's see the first one in action. You know, when this whole lockdown thing is over, I could hardly wait to go out and watch a movie with friends.


I love that, "when this whole lockdown thing", great way of speaking, "this whole lockdown thing", when something's quite negative. And I totally get it. Shaku, fantasty!

我喜欢“when this whole lockdown thing”,“this whole lockdown thing”用得好,表示一些很负面的事情。我完全理解。酷,太棒了!

She wants to go out, she can hardly wait to go out with friends. Well, to be honest, me too.


And here's the next one, Mahima. As I was chessed off with the lockdown, I got thrilled to bits when I came to know that my husband is taking me out for dinner.


He really blew my mind. That's crazy, "blew my mind", "he blew my mind".


That's great. I love that, Mahima. So again, with the lockdown. She was cheesed off with the lockdown, right, really fed up and how lucky, she has such a wonderful husband who's gonna take her out.


I'm not surprised that it blew her mind. And next, we've got Arzon.

这件事让她大吃一惊,我一点也不惊讶。接下来是 Arzon。

When I finally got the job I've been waiting three months for, I was over the moon.?As you can imagine, it really made my day.


Fantastic! I think she's got three idioms in one and well done! She's got the new job, well done, Arzon.


That getting the new job so pleased it made your day. Very very nice. Now, let's see what Landi Sudano has to say.

得到新工作如此高兴,使你高兴极了。非常非常好。现在,让我们来看看 Landi Sudano 是怎么说的。

I was on the beach the other day and I found a gold ring in the sand. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was over the moon!


Great! "I was over the moon". Landi, you'd be great at storytelling, you have this beautiful voice.


"I was over the moon!" He found this gold ring, how lucky is that!


I'm not surprised you're over the moon. Very very nice. Thank you very much, Linda Sudano.

你欣喜若狂,我一点也不惊讶。非常非常好。非常感谢,Linda Sudano。

Now, let's see Viren who is also quite happy. Once this lockdown is over, I will definitely have a ball with my friends.

现在,让我们看看 Viren,他也很高兴。这次封锁结束了,我一定要和朋友们玩个痛快。

Due to the lockdown, I can't meet my friends. That's right. Due to the lockdown, many of us cannot see our friends or family.


So, of course, we're gonna have a ball when we get a chance to go out and meet them. Viren, I think many of us feel that way.


Thank you very much for the video. Let's move on and see what Tinu has to say.

非常感谢你的视频。让我们继续,看看 Tinu 有什么要说的。

I think she's a bit bored. When the lockdown was extended for another two weeks I was fed up to the back teeth.


I really wanted to go out and see my parents. It's the same problem of course, "fed up to the back teeth" with the lockdown.


It's obviously a big big topic nowadays. Look some great language to talk about it, very nice to know, well done.


Next, we're gonna look at Ajumaane who is also talking about the lockdown but he's very happy about it and he's gonna tell us about his president. Let's see. Yesterday, I could see people on the cloud nine, when the president removed the lockdown.

接下来,我们将看到 Ajumaane,他也谈到了封锁,但他对此非常高兴,他将向我们讲述他的总统。让我们来看看。昨天总统解除封锁时,我看到大家很高兴。

Actually, it was trying people's patience. So, the president there has removed the lockdown.


People are on cloud nine. Of course, Ajumaane is very happy and I will be too when we remove our lockdown in Spain.

大家都很高兴。当然,Ajumaane 非常高兴,当西班牙的封锁解除后,我也会很高兴。

Next, let's have a look at Tu who's a little bit nervous in a windy environment. Tomorrow, I am going to take . . . examination.

接下来,让我们来看看 Tu,她那里在刮风,她有些紧张。明天,我要考......试。

So now, I'm tearing my hair out! Fantastic too! She's tearing her hair out, she's getting all worked up about the exam tomorrow, maybe that's what the fan is.


I love that effect too. Really really clever! With the wind and the hair there, you look like one of these great advertisements, brilliant! Thank you very very much.


Now, let's move on to Manisha who is happy about. . . have a guess! Yesterday, when I got to know that the lockdown period has been extended for another two weeks, I was so surprised.

现在让我们来看看 Manisha ,她因为什么这么开心......大家猜一猜!昨天,当我得知封锁期又延长了两周时,我感到非常惊讶。

It was music to my ears. "It was music to my ears."


Now interestingly, Manisha is very happy about the lockdown being extended. Maybe, I don't know, it means you can stay at home and do lots of more things at home, but it was music to her ears, brilliant!

有趣的是,Manisha 很高兴封锁期被延长了。也许,我不知道,这意味着你可以呆在家里,做更多的事情。但是,那对她来说是很棒的消息,太棒了!

So next, let's find out what Jessica is frustrated about. I was banging my head against the wall, trying to get scholarship to City U.

接下来,让我们来看看 Jessica 对什么感到沮丧。我非常沮丧,我很努力想获得去美国城市大学的奖学金。

After three years of applying, they didn't admit me! Oh, no! They didn't admit you with fluency like that? What an earth are they thinking? What a shame! Right?


So, Jessica was banging her head against the wall because she didn't get admitted. Never mind, keep trying, Jessica. I'm sure it will happen.

所以,Jessica 非常沮丧,因为她没被录取。没关系,继续努力,Jessica。我相信它会实现的。

And next, we have Prisca Joy, who is talking about happiness, but this time nothing to do with the lockdown, but something to do with her family. My five-year-old son surprised me with a Mother's Day card, and I could not wait to open it.

接下来是 Prisca Joy,她在谈论幸福,但这一次与封锁无关,与她的家人有关。我五岁的儿子给了我一个惊喜,他给了我一张母亲节贺卡,我迫不及待地打开它。

And it really made my day, and I could not thank him enough. Fantastic! What a great five-year-old son!


Made a Mother's Day card for his mum and of course, she couldn't thank him enough. That was beautiful, very nice, Prisca.


Thank you very much to all of the students for all of these videos showing us how you're using these expressions and idioms. It's all in the practice. It's so important.


And a really key thing, you know, that I tell my students is to be proud and to love your own English. Right? It doesn't matter how high or how low you are, love your English and it really helps your learning.


So, that's it for today. Thank you for joining us. I hope you've had fun and learned some more idioms today.


Thank you so much for all of you for sending your videos and sharing and putting yourself out there in front of the camera. Brilliant! I am full of respect.


It's been it's been fun actually, because I do feel it's been so much fun watching you and listening to you. It does help me as well as a teacher to feel closer to students when we have this kind of contact.


So, um, I can't thank you enough. I am very appreciative and, of course, I'm over the moon!


Great! Take care, everybody. See you soon. Bye-bye!

