语录网随笔 致命的弱点英文翻译,实用英文表达|“致命弱点”——Achilles' heel

致命的弱点英文翻译,实用英文表达|“致命弱点”——Achilles' heel

Achilles /əˈkɪliːz/ 是希腊神话中的勇士。他刀枪不入,唯有脚脖子,也就是heel这个地方和一般人一样,最后,他的敌人也正是抓住这个弱点,用箭射中了他的脚脖子,导致Achilles死亡。所以,Achilles' heel指的是致命弱点或缺点。


The new hybrid car I'm looking at comes at an affordable price. Its excellent fuel economy and stylish design are also advantages. Unfortunately, it doesn't offer much room in the back for passengers. Since I have a lot of friends, I see its lack of space as its Achilles' heel.


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内容来自VOA - Words And Idioms。
