语录网诗词 高考英语同义词整理(高中英语同义词大汇总)



1.away from 除了…之外

=aside from

=except for

2.by oneself 靠自己,独自

= (all) on one’s own

= (all) alone

for oneself 为自己

3.be in possession of…拥有

=be possessed of…

= possess…

= take possession of

4.look after…照顾

= take care of… = care for…

= mind… = watch…

= deal with… = attend to…

5.look on/upon A as B 把A视为B

=think of A as B


6.in quest of…寻求 = in search of…


=How are you (doing)?


= on a whim

impulse n.冲动


10.be out of work 在工作/上班中

=be out of a job

=be unemployed

11.on the dot一分不差地/准时

=to the minute = exactly

12.by the minute 一分一秒地

=min by min=每个/每分钟

13.in a minute 待会儿

= in a second = in a moment

= in a jiffy(口语用法)

14.keep in touch with 与…联络

= keep in contact with …

=make contact with… =contact…


=get out...=hit on/on(出现在高考英语中)


ban/prohibit/restrict/restrain sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事

prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事

=keep sb from doing sth

例外:forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事

17.have a liking for… 喜欢

=take a liking/fancy to…


18.to be frank with you, …坦白(跟你)说/老实说,…

= frankly speaking, …


19.feel at ease感到轻松 =feel relaxed


20.look out for…小心/注意…

=watch out for…

21.by no means 决不,绝不

= not… by any means

=not…at all

=not …in the least

=not …in the slightest

=under no circumstances


22.burst into tears 突然大哭 =burst out crying

burst into laughter 突然大笑 =burst out laughing

23.for nothing 免费

=for free = free

=without payment

24.for the time being目前

= for the present

25.see to it + that从句 务必确定…








27.look down on/upon 轻视/瞧不起某人

= despise/scorn/disdain

28.look up to sb 尊敬某人


29.make up for… 为…补偿;弥补

= compensate for…(高考考过)

30.the road to +名词 通往…之道

= the key to +名词

31.make sb out to be 断言某人是…


32.make out 了解…

= understand =take in

33.What do you say to doing sth? 做…你让我如何?

=How/What about doing sth?

34.stuff A with B 以B填塞A

= stuff B into A

35.for all… 尽管…


= notwithstanding…

36.be bound for +地点名词 开往/驶往某地

= head for = leave for = make for =start for =set off/out for

37.be bound to + 名词 被绑在…上

=be tied to

= be fastened to

= be attached to?

38.wonder at 对…感到惊异

=be amazed at

39.for all I know, … 就我所知,…

=as far as I know, …

=so far as I know, …

= to my knowledge, …

= to my understanding, …

be beyond one’s understanding 超过某人是所能理解的范围

40.in the interest of 对…有利的

=for the benefit of

41.be in cooperation with 与…合作

cooperate with 与…合作

42.put…into practice 将…付诸实施/施行

= put…into action

= carry out…

put…in/into practice 将…付诸实行

in practice 实际上

=in reality

43.put aside… 存(钱等)

=set aside… =save…

44.A get acquainted with B A与B认识

= A make B’s acquaintance

acquaint vt.使认识

45.buy sth for +钱 用多少钱买某物

=buy sth at the cost/price/rate of +钱 以某价格买某物

=pay钱 for sth

buy sth for sb 买某物给某人(高考英语考过)

= buy sb sth

46.be above doing sth 不愿意/不屑于…

= be unwilling to do sth

=be reluctantly

47.keep up with 跟上/赶上;与…并驾齐驱

=keep pace with

=keep abreast of

48.on the contrary 相反地 (多置于句首)

= instead

49.at a stroke 一口气;一次

= without stopping

50.cheat on sb 对某人不忠

=be not faithful to sb

51.get at 暗示/意指

What are you getting at? 你指的是什么?

= What do you mean?

52.for good 永远地;永久地

=for good and all


= eternally = permanently

53.industrious 勤奋的

=hardworking =diligent

54.learn…by heart 将…背起来(可以是默记)


recite 指发声背出

55.come across 无意间发现…

= happen on =encounter

56.run into sb 与某人不期而遇;偶遇

= bump into sb = encounter sb

57.come to 苏醒;恢复知觉

= come around = come round

58.by degree 渐渐地


59.be in charge of 负责…

= be responsible for… 负责…(对…负责)


= take responsibility for…(对/为…负责)

be responsible to sb for sth 对某人负责某事

60.because of 因为/由于


61.bring on 导致/引起



62.without result 没有成效


63.with the coming of… 随着…的到来

= with the approaching of…

64.be second to none 不亚于任何人/物,首屈一指

= be the best

=have no peer/rival/equal

=be without one’s peer 无人能出其右,没有敌手

be second to +名词/代词 仅次于…

65.all of a sudden 突然;忽然



66.with a view to doing sth 为了从事/为了做某事



67.the key to… 开启…的的钥匙/秘诀

the solution to sth …的解决方法

the answer to sth …的答案

68.in place of 取代…=instead of

69.identify with… 同情…,认同…

70.be particular about 对…挑剔

= be picky about

= find fault with sb

71.be under repair 在修理中

= be being repaired

72.inquire into 调查…

= look into = investigate

73.inquire after sb 问候某人的健康状况

= ask for sb

74.look forward to +名词/代词/doing 期待…

=expect to do

= anticipate +名词/代词/doing

75.be keen on/about… 热衷于…

= be enthusiastic about

76.be capable of doing sth 有能力做…

= be able to do sth

77.to some extent 就某种程度上来说

= to some degree = in a sense

78.to the end 到最后

= to the bitter end

79.joke about 对…开玩笑

=make fun of

=play jokes/a joke on sb

= play tricks/a trick on sb

80.at heart 心地上,本质上

=by nature

81.be bent on doing sth 一心想要做某事

= be determined to do sth

82.on/upon sth/doing sth, +主语+动词… 一…,就…

=as as+主语+动词,+主句(主语+动词...)

83.be proud of 为…感到骄傲/自豪


84.be typical of 是…的特征/写照

= be characteristic of

85.there is no doing 谁都不能…

=No one can do

86.set up 建立

=found =establish

87.set about (doing) sth 开始着手

= set out to do sth


88.devote …to… 将…致力于/献身于…

=dedicate …to…

89.approve of… 赞同

disapprove of… 反对/不赞成

approve (及物动词为“批准、核准”)

90.turn out (to be) 结果是(系动词)

=prove (to be)

91.turn up 出现,到达

= show up =arrive, appear

92.be free from… 没有…/脱离…

=be free of…= be without…

93.be dressed in… 穿着…

=have on...(无进行时)=be with...

94.be different from 与…不同

= differ from

be indifferent from 对…漠不关心

95.play a big/an important part in (doing) sth 在…方面扮演重要角色


96.be oblivious of 忘却…

=be forgetful of =forget…

97.do away with… 除去/摆脱…

= get rid of…

98.be sensitive to (心理上)对…敏感

be allergic to (生理上)对…敏感/过敏

be sensible of 感觉到…的


99.be famous for +名词/代词/动名词 因…而出名


be notorious for 因…而恶名昭彰

100. keep to the rules 坚守规则

= stick to the rules


101. be unaware of 不知道…

= be unconscious of

102. be confident of 对…有信心

= have confidence in

103. be thankful to sb for doing sth 因为某事感激某人




104. be incapable of 无能力做某事

=be unable to do

105. be senior sb by 年 比某人年长…岁

=be older than sb by 年

be junior sb by 年 比某人年幼…岁

= be younger than sb by 年

prior to… 在…前

= before

106. by +时间 最迟不超过某时间

= not later than =before

107. be for sth 赞成 =be in favor of sth

be against 反对 =be opposed to

108. be反对(做)sth反对...


109. come off 发生,举行

=come about

= take place = happen = occur

110. succeed to 继承

= take over = inherit

111. consist in 在于… = lie in

112. consist of 由…组成


113. run after 追逐/追求…= chase

be after sb = be chasing sb 追赶某人

114. go to the hospital 生病住院(英式英语无定冠词)

=be hospitalized

115. depend on 依赖/指望


都可以后接sb to do sth 指望/依赖某人去做某事

都可以后接for sth

depend on sb for help 指望/求助于某人的帮助

=look to sb for help

=count on sb for help

=rely on sb for help

=turn to sb for help

116. call on sb to do 呼吁/要求某人做某事

=urge sb to do =ask sb to do

117. call sb down 责骂/责备某人

=scold sb = tell sb off

118. look for 寻找 =search for

look to 指望/依赖

look to sb for help 指望/依赖某人帮忙

119. with regard to 有关/关于…


=concerning =regarding

=as to =about, on

120. take A for B 误将A当作B

= mistake A for B

121. call on sb 拜访某人


call for 需要…(主语多为sth)

= require

122. call off 取消 =cancel

123. be equal to 胜任


124. get through with 做完

= be through with = finish


125. for ages 好长一段时间

=for a long time

126. for the time being 目前

=for the present

127. live a …life 过着…的生活

=lead a…life = have a …life

128. be through sth 经历某事


129. in detail 详细地

= at length

130. be in high spirits 心情很好

=be in good mood

=be in good humor

be in low spirits 心情很差

=be in a bad mood

=be in a bad humor

131. stand for 代表/表示


stand sb up 放某人鸽子

132. present sb with sth 赠与某物给某人

=present sth to sb

133. provide sb with sth 提供某物给某人

= provide sth for sb

=supply sb with sth

=supply sth to sb

=afford sb sth

=afford sth to sb

134. be brought up 被抚养长大

= be raised

= be reared

bring up = raise 将某人抚养长大

135. agree with sb 和某人看法相同

= see eye to eye with sb

136. attend to 对…专注

= pay attention to

= be attentive to

137. take on 带有/呈现出…

= assume

138. take after 和…相像


139. make fun of 取笑…

= tease

140. brush…aside 忽视/漠视


141. brush up on 复习

=go over



142. hope for sth 期待/希望…

=wish for

=long for

= desire

143. turn in 就寝

= go to bed

= hit the sack

144. turn down 拒绝



145. keep off… 远离…;不让…接近

=stay away from

146. go with 与…相配


147. prefer to do + rather than do 喜欢做…胜于做/而不喜欢做



= blame sth on sb


149. talk sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事

=persuade sb to do sth

150. talk sb out of doing sth 说法某人不要做某事

=persuade sb not to do sth

=dissuade sb from doing sth

151. put up with 容忍

=tolerate =bear =stand

152. tell A from B 区别A于B的不同/差异


=tell A and B apart

=distinguish A from B

=distinguish between A and B

153. go on with 继续从事

=get on with =continue (with)

154. at one’s leisure 在某人空闲/有空时

=in one’s free/spare time

leisure 闲暇,空闲

155. on purpose 故意地

=deliberately =intentionally

156. by accident 不经意间;无意地;偶然地


157. off...起飞...起飞...从...(关闭)

take …out of… 把…拿出来从…

= take …from…
