语录网随笔 英语背诵口诀,诵口诀,学英语(21)


口诀 : 日月雾气温度计, 河水物价都涨起,

起床起立和起义, 比喻”起源”不忘记

读: 此四句可以帮助你记住不及物动词rise的用法(而区别于及物动词raise)。例如:

What time does the sun rise?

The fog rose at last.

Her body temperature is still rising.她的体温还在上升。


The sun rises in the east.

Our country’s international prestige(国际声望)is rising continually.

(2)raise是及物动词,表示“举起、抬起”。如: He raised his hand picked an apple.

31. (保留原题号)You can see the sun in the east at this time if it is a fine day.(湖北武汉中考)

A. to rise B. rising

C. raising D. to raise

此题答案为B 。根据口诀第一句日月雾气温度计知,日即太阳升起用rise 。依此类记。
