语录网随笔 蔡徐坤英文短句霸气卡点,写蔡徐坤的英语作文5句话?



那么美好的少年,哪个姐姐不想帮你捏捏肩膀呢@陈立农 #陈立农#

一起努力逆天走过的日子,初代nt永远不会忘@陈立农 #陈立农#

当天空透出光亮,又是一日伊始,用微笑开始新的希冀。 温暖不过日光,思念不过你的脸庞,幸福不过彼此相依伴。 生命是一场漫旅,美好是因为相信,轻哼着属于我们的小情歌,愿做你的骑士守护在身旁。@陈立农 #陈立农#

今天又是爱农农的一天,鹅子真的长大了,今天依旧大人发型。不论你什么发型什么样的你我们都爱你。始于颜值忠于人品@陈立农 #陈立农#

My Idol Cai xukun

As you know , there's some famous words " Singing ,dancing ,rapping and basketball." My favorite idol is Cai xukun

Happy birthday to Caixukun

As you know , there's some famous words " Singing ,dancing ,rapping and basketball." My favorite idol is Cai xukun.

He is a good singer .He sings very well.He told us "The more effort,the more lucky" I agree with him .He is not only a singer but also a postive person.He likes music very much.Although some people donot like him,he is still himself and believes he is the king of the music world and never gives up . When I listen to his songs ,I feel happy and relaxing.

So I hope that all his efforts can be seen by everyone and that more people like him as much as l do.

Cai Xukun, Chinese original musician. He is very tall and very handsome. He works very hard at music. He is the idol of many people. He is very approachable.

I think Cai Xukun is a good singger and dancer, and his works are wonderful and excellent.




蔡徐坤出道于2018年1月,参加偶像男团竞演养成类真人秀《偶像练习生》并担任队长;8月2日,发行个人首张EP《1》;随后获得出道后首个个人音乐类奖项亚洲新歌榜2018年度盛典“最受欢迎潜力男歌手” 。

8月23日,发行单曲《Wait Wait Wait》;12月,获第十二届音乐盛典咪咕汇年度“最佳彩铃销量歌手” 、第十五届MAHB年度先生盛典“年度先生” 、今日头条年度盛典“年度偶像人物”。

蔡徐坤的微博名叫 蔡徐坤,众所周知,像蔡徐坤这样高人气的明星,都会有自己的专属微博,平常自己有什么动态都会放在微博上,让粉丝可以第一时间就能看到。


不过蔡徐坤的微博简介却不同,他的简介字数很少,只是歌手、制作人、NINE PERCENT队长这3个称呼。
