语录网句子大全 自己约束自己的英文短句,自律的英语句子?



《左传·哀公十六年》:“呜呼哀哉! 尼父 ,无自律。” 唐 张九龄 《贬韩朝宗洪州刺史制》:“不能自律,何以正人?” 宋 苏辙 《西掖告词》之十五:“朕方以恭俭自居,以法度自律,宜得慎静之吏,以督缮治之功。” 明 李东阳 《石公墓志铭》:“虽居官久,家无赢貲,亦以俭自律,不少变。”




1.Never leave that until tomorrow , which you can do today . (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

今天的事不要拖到明天。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B. )

2.At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president)

二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。(美国总统 富兰克林 . B.)

3.Work banishes those three great evils : boredom , vice, and poverty. (Voltaire , French philosopher )

工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊、堕落和贫穷。 (法国哲学家 伏尔基泰)

4.True liberty is to have power over oneself in all things.— Michel de Montaigne, Philosopher



vt. 惩罚;严厉对待;贪婪地吃喝

vi. 惩罚


The law is used to punish and restrain sinners.


I don't agree with punishing children, especially corporal punishment.



punish forv. 处罚,惩罚

punish with用...惩罚


我是【luzut44584】,很高兴为你解答。 punish的短语:  punish as(v.+prep.)  作为…来惩罚 imprison sb/sth as sth  They punished the idler as criminals.他们把懒汉作为罪犯来惩罚。  punish with〔by〕(v.+prep.)  以…处罚… give sb a punishment consisting of sth  They punished him with death.他们判处他死刑。  The mother punished her child by not allowing him to go out.母亲处罚自己的孩子,不准他出去。  The soldiers severely punished the enemy by machine guns.战士们用机关枪痛击敌人。  punish for(v.+prep.)  为…惩罚… give (sb or an animal) a punishment because of sth or doing sth  He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the damage.他因孩子们粗心大意而让他们赔偿损失。  Their mother punished them for their rudeness.母亲因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。  punish的短语例句:  

1. Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.  现行雇佣法要变,要奖勤罚懒。  

2. I don't believe that George ever had to punish the children.  我认为乔治根本没有必要处罚孩子们。  

3. Don't punish your child for being honest.  不要因为你的孩子说了实话而处罚他。  

4. His father meted out punish-ment with a slipper.  他父亲用一只拖鞋进行惩罚。  

5. I'm just watching for a chance to punish him in return!  我正在伺机报复他呢!  

6. It's cruel to use a whip to punish a child.  用鞭子惩罚孩子是残酷的.  

7. We should try to reform criminals through labour rather than punish them.  我们应该尽量通过劳动改造罪犯,而不是惩罚他们.  

8. You can't punish me for something I didn't do.  你不能为我没做过的事情而惩罚我.  

9. It's a bIt'strong to punish her for such a small thing.  为那么点小事就惩罚她未免有些过分了.  

10. The law prescribes how to punish this crime.  法律对如何处罚这种犯罪做出规定.  

11. How should we punish these bad hats?  这些坏人应如何治罪?  

12. How would you punish somebody for stealing?  你们如何惩办偷窃者?  

13. How would you punish the person for stealing?  你怎样处置偷窃的人?  

14. The voters may be ready to punish the politicians who devised a faint-hearted solidarity pact.  选民们也许已经作好准备,去惩罚那些制订了懦弱的团结协定的政客。  

15. Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.  理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。更多专业的科普知识,欢迎关注我。如果喜欢我的回答,也请给我赞或转发,你们的鼓励,是支持我写下去的动力,谢谢大家。



Becoming a Disciplined Person


Self-discipline is a pattern of behavior where you choose to do what you know you should do, rather than what you want to do. It’s the inner power that pushes you to get out of bed to exercise rather than sleeping in. It is the assertion of willpower over more basic desires and is synonymous with self-control.


It includes having the personal initiative to get started and the stamina to persevere. Being disciplined gives you the strength to withstand hardships and difficulties, whether physical, emotional or mental. It allows forgoing immediate satisfaction, in order to gain something better, but which requires effort and time.


Discipline is one of the cornerstones to living a successful and fulfilling life and something we should all strive to master.


Benefits of becoming a disciplined person


When you are consistent in doing the things you know you should do, when you know you should do them, here are the benefits you will enjoy:


You will achieve your goals. When you are consistent in doing the things you know you should do, your odds of achieving your goals will be dramatically increased.


You self-esteem will soar. Every time you push yourself to do something you know you should do, you are building your self-esteem.


People’s respect for you will grow. This includes everyone from your spouse to your employer who witnesses your efforts.


You will influence the lives of others. Every good and right thing you do, influences the lives of those who are watching and can have a ripple effect on future generations.

