1.总会遇见的 在这个季节
Always meet in this season.
2.生活短暂而美好 没时间纠结 没时间计较
Life is short and beautiful, no time to struggle, no time to care
3.所有人都祝你快乐 我只愿你历遍山河 觉得人间值得
Everyone wishes you happiness. | only wish you to travel all over the world and feel that the world is worth it.
4.和心动的人谈恋爱 和心安的人过一-生
Love with the heart throb and live a life with the heart throb.
5.没有结局的事太多 你要学会相遇和离别
There are too many things that have no ending. You need to learn to meet and leave
6.我们还年轻 长长的人生可以受一点风浪
We're still young and have a long life to live with.