语录网随笔 给闺蜜的壁纸图片(闺蜜专属壁纸一人一半)





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A good song is something you can't help but overhear, but people will cycle through it until they get bored and throw it away. Come to think of it, the same is not true of the people you meet.



I've always thought that breaking up with you would be a long and painful process, because there are so many things in life that are connected to you.

Even if some things have passed a long time, but as long as a little recall of its past, you can put a series of relevant memories all remember, and then silently staring at a long time, like a vacuum packed bag of rice, as long as you cut a small mouth that bag of rice will slowly collapse all down.


God will arrange a sweet love for you, and then you can make it with your strength.


I will miss the days I have chatted with. In fact, it doesn't matter who I am chatting with. What matters is that I have had a temporary resonance with other human beings at some time in my life. The memory has long been hazy, but the ecstasy of understanding still lingers today, piling up the real world as I see it.


I thought it was her before, but later I understood that the commitment is just a word in line with the atmosphere at that time.


What is the definition of junk food? Why I think good food is now called junk food. Like lovers swearing at each other when they kiss, a bag of personal pleasures with confessions printed on the packaging.


In real life, Gu Jia will not divorce, cheating men playing with women's feelings is far more than Xu Huan slag, Lin has everywhere, Chen Yu will not warm, Xiaoqin will not be so lucky, Mani will agree with Sea King.


我有一个罐头,藏着时间和你,可我却不想打开,怕呀,怕罐头过期, 时间在走,你在变 。

I have a can, hiding the time and you, but I don't want to open, afraid ah, afraid of expiry of the can, the time is going, you are changing.

图片源自网络 如侵联删




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