发音器官 要学好语音,除了用心模仿之外,还必须了解发音的原理。
新目标英语七年级上学期必背句型Starter U1-- U3
1. 你好,弗兰克! Hello,Frank!
2. 喂,辛迪!你可好? Hi,Cindy! How are you?
3. 我很好,谢谢。 ---I’m fine, thanks.
4. 早上好,爱丽丝! Good morning, Alice!
5. 晚上好,爱丽丝! Good evening, Alice!
6. 下午好,艾瑞克! Good afternoon, Eric!
7. 这是什么 ?--是V What’s this?-- It’s V.
8. 它是什么颜色?--是红色。 What color is it?--It’s red.
9. 这用英语怎么说?--是把钥匙。 What’s this in English?--- It’s a key.
10. 请拼写它。 K-E-Y. Spell it, please.---K-E-Y.
1. 你叫什么名字?--我叫詹妮。What’s your name?-My name’s Jenny.
2. 他叫什么名字?--他叫托尼。What’s his name?--His name’s Tony.
3. 她叫什么名字?--她叫吉娜。What’s her name?--Her name’s Gina.
4. 我叫吉娜。很高兴见到你! I’m Gina. Nice to meet you!
5. 你的电话号码是多少? What’s your telephone number?
是284-2942。 -- It’s 284-2942 。
6. 她的电话号码是多少? What’s her telephone number?
是535-2375。 --It’s 535-2375.
7. 他的电话号码是多少? What’s his telephone number?
是281-9176。 -- It’s 281-9176.
8. 你叫什么名?-- Jenny. What’s your first name?--Jenny.
9. 你姓什么?--Brown. What’s your last name? --Brown.
10. 他叫什么名?—Jim. What’s his first name?—Jim
11. 他姓什么?--Smith. What’s his last name? --Smith.
12. 她叫什么名?--Gina. What’s her first name?--Gina.
13. 她姓什么?--Green . What’s her last name?--Green.
-------U2 -------
1. 这是你的铅笔吗?是的。/不是的。Is this your pencil?
2. 这是我的钢笔吗?是的。/不是的。Is this my pen?
3. 那是他的书吗?是的。/不是的。 Is that his book? --Yes, it is. /--NO, it isn’t.
4. 那是她的橡皮擦吗?是的。/不是的。Is that her eraser?
5. 这用英语怎么说?--是钢笔。What’s this in English?--It’s a pen.
6. 你怎样拼写它?---P-E-N。How do you spell it? --P-E-N
---------U3 -------
1. 这位是你的妹妹吗?是的。/不是的。Is this your sister? --Yes, it is. /--No, it isn’t.
2. 那位是你的哥哥吗?是的。/不是的。Is that your brother? --Yes, it is. /--No, it isn’t.
3. 这位是我的朋友。这几位是我的朋友。This is my friend. These are my friends.
4. 那位是我的哥哥。那几位是我的兄弟。That is my brother. Those are my brothers.
5. 那位是Anna,那位是paul. That’s Anna and that’s Paul.
6. 她是你的妹妹吗?是的。Is she your sister?--Yes, she is.
7. 他是你的哥哥吗?不是的,他是我的朋友。Is he your brother?--No, he isn’t. He’s my friend.
8. 这几位是我的父母。这位是我的祖母。这位是我的朋友,李芳。
These are my parents. This is my grandmother. This is my friend, Li Fang.
--------Unit 4 ---------
1. 我的棒球在哪儿?它在背包里。
Where is my baseball? It’s in the backpack.
2. 我的电脑游戏机在哪儿?它在床底下。
Where is my computer game? It’s under the bed.
3. 你的那些书在哪儿?它们在椅子上。
Where are your books? They are on the chair.
4. 他/她的棒球在哪儿?它们在梳妆台上。
Where are his/her baseballs?They are on the dresser.
5. 你的笔记本在书桌上吗?是的。/不是的。
Is your notebook on the desk? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
7. 我的英语书在抽屉里吗?是的。/不是的。
Are my English books in the drawer? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
8. 我的那些书在哪儿?我不知道。
Where are my books? I don’t know.
它们在床上吗?不是的。Are they on the bed? No, they aren’t.
8. 亲爱的菲菲:
Dear Feifei,
Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch,notebook,keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer.The ID card is on the table
9.你能把一些东西带到学校来吗? Can you bring some things to school?
Here is my room. My hat is on the chair. My baseball is under the bed.And those are my CDs. They’re in my backpack.
--------Unit 5--------
1. 你有台电视机吗? Do you have a TV?
有,我有台电视机。 Yes, I do. I have a TV.
没有,我没有电视机。NO, I don't. I don’t have a TV.
2. 他们有电脑吗? Do they have a computer?
有,他们有台电脑。 Yes,they do. They have a computer.
没有,他们没有电脑。 No, they don't. They don’t have
3.他/她有网球拍吗? Does he/she have a tennis racket?
有,他/她有网球拍。 Yes, he/she does. He/She has a tennis racket.
没有,他/她没有网球拍。No, he/she doesn't. He/She doesn’t have a tennis racket
4. 让我们踢足球吧! Let's play soccer.
那听起来不错/很有趣/有意思/没劲. That sounds good/interesting/fun/great/boring.
5. 我有8个篮球,2个棒球,3个排球。 I have 8 basketballs, 2 baseballs and 3 volleyballs.
6. 他她有一项运动收藏品。 He / She has a sports collection.
--------Unit 6--------
1. 你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢沙拉。Do you like salad? Yes, I do. I like salad.
不,我不喜欢沙拉 。No, I don't. I don’t like salad.
2. 他们喜欢薯条吗?Do they like French fries?
是的,他们喜欢薯条。Yes, they do. They like French fries.
不,他们不喜欢薯条。No, they don't. They don’t like French fries.
3.他/她喜欢梨吗? Does he/she like pears?
是的.他/她喜欢梨。Yes, he/she does. He/She likes pears.
不.他/她不喜欢梨。No,he/she doesn't. He/She doesn’t like pears.
4. 他们喜欢沙拉。They like salad.
他们不喜欢沙拉。They don't like salad.
5. 他/她喜欢香蕉。She/He likes bananas.
6. 他/她不喜欢香蕉。She/He doesn't like bananas.
7. 我喜欢桔子。I like oranges. 我喜欢不桔子。I don't like oranges.
8. 我喜欢桔子但我不喜欢苹果。I like oranges but I don't like apples.
9. 早餐,Tom喜欢鸡蛋,香蕉和苹果。 For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, bananas and apples.
10. 午餐,他喜欢汉堡,沙拉和梨。For lunch, he has hamburgers, salad and pears.
11. 晚餐,他喜欢鸡肉,西红柿和花椰菜。And for dinner, he likes chicken, tomatoes and broccoli.
12. 甜点,他喜欢冰激凌。For dessert, he likes ice cream.
1 . 这件红毛衣多少钱?--8美元。
How much is the red sweater?
--It’s eight dollars.
2. 这件蓝衬衣多少钱?--7美元。
How much is this blue shirt?-- It’s seven dollars.
3. 这件白色的背包多少钱?-9元。
How much is that white backpack?-- It’s nine yuan.
4 这条黑色的长裤多少钱?-10美元。
How much are these black pants?-They’re ten dollars.
5这双棕色的袜子多少钱?-3元。 How much are those brown socks?-- They’re three yuan.
6要我帮忙吗?/我能为你做点什么? Can I help you? / What can I do for you?
是的 / 不用,谢谢
Yes, please. / No, thanks.
7 那太贵了。That’s too expensive!
那好,我就买它。That’s fine, I’ll take it.
8 我们有价格很优惠的毛衣。
We have sweaters at a very good price.
9 任何人都能承担我们的价格。
Anybody can afford our prices!
1. 你的生日是什么时候?
When is your birthday?
My birthday is November 11th.
2. 刘平的生日是什么时候?
When is LiuPing’s birthday?
Her birthday is September 5th .
3. 你多大了?--我15 岁。
How old are you? I’m fifteen (years old).
4. 我出生日于11月11日。
I was born on November 11th.
I was born in November.
Do you have a School Day at your school?-- Yes, we do.
6 校庆日是什么时候?--是4月19日。
When is the School Day?-- It’s April 19th.
7 你多大了,里德夫人?
How old are you, Mrs Read?
I’m sorry, it’s a secret.
Do you want to go to a movie?
Yes, I do. I want to see an action movie.
Does he want to go to a movie?
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
3 你喜欢那种电影?
What kind of movies do you like?
I like action movies and comedies.
I like thrillers and I like comedies.
Guo Peng likes comedies but he doesn’t like documentaries.
June thinks action movies are very exciting.
June doesn’t think action movies are very exciting.
7 她不喜欢恐怖片。她认为太吓人了。
She doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks they are very scary.
8 她认为她能了解有关中国历史。
She thinks she can learn about Chinese history.
Can you dance?--Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
2 她会画画吗?----会/不会。
Can she paint?--Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.
Can you play the guitar?--Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
4 你想参加什么俱乐部?
What club do you want to join?
I want to join the chess club.
I want to join the swimming club.
5 你会干什么?What can you do?
我会吹喇叭。I can play the trumpet.
我会玩中国功夫。I can do Chinese kung fu.
6 你的吉他弹得好吗?—不好。
Can you play the guitar well?--- No, I can’t.
7 为了我们的学校观光,我们需要一点帮助。We need some help for our School Trip.
8 你能帮助孩子们游泳吗?
Can you help kids with swimming?
9 来加入我们吧!
Come and join us!
10 你可以参加我们学校的音乐节。
You can be in our school music festival.
11 我可以知道你的名字吗?
May I know your name?
Why do you want to join the club?
I want to learn about art.
1 你通常什么时候起床?
What time do you usually get up?
我通常五点起床。I usually get up at five o’clock.
2 Alicia什么时候洗澡? What time does Alicia take a shower?
她8点中洗澡。She takes a shower at eight o’clock.
3 吃早饭是多么有趣的时光啊!
What a funny time to eat breakfast!
4 为了到上班的地方,他乘17路公交车去旅馆。To get to work,he takes number 17 bus to a hotel.
5 人们喜欢听他(唱)
People love to listen to him.
6 几点了?--8点半了。
What time is it? --It’s eight-thirty ( half past eight).
7 人们通常何时吃早饭?
When do people usually eat breakfast?
People usually eat breakfast in the morning.
8谢谢你的来信。Thanks for your letter.
9 在8 点左右,我去上学。At around eight o’clock., I go to school
10请快点写信告诉我有关你的早晨。Please write soon and tell me about your morning.
1 你最喜欢的科目是什么?
What’s your favorite subject?
=What subject do you like best?
My favorite subject is math.
What’s his favorite subject?
His favorite subject is art.
What’s her favorite subject?
Her favorite subject is P.E.
4 你为什么喜欢数学?
Why do you like math?
因为它很有趣。 Because it’s interesting.
5他为什么喜欢艺术。 Why does he like art?
因为它很有意思。 Because it’s fun.
6 她为什么喜欢体育? Why does she like P.E.?
因为它很刺激。 Because it’s exciting.
7 你的科学老师是谁? Who is your science teacher?
我的科学老师是王老师。My science teacher is Mr Wang.
8 我妈妈最喜欢的颜色是什么?What’s your mother’s favorite color?
我妈妈最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。My mother’s favorite color is blue.
9 你什么时候上数学。 When do you have math?
我在星期一,星期三,星期五上数学。I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
10 下课后,我打2小时的排球。 After class, I have volleyball for two hours.
Scott’s favorite day is Friday because he has art. He likes art very much.
12我喜欢和我的狗玩。 I like to play with my dog.